Sat nite Jeru vigil for “spy” heroes מוצש:למען המרגלים הגיבורים

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בלוג עכשיו בפייסבוק


Subject: גיבורים ולא מרגלים! כולנו לעצרת תמיכה במוצ"ש הקרוב, 7.1,  21.00 במגרש הרוסים. הגעה מן העיר -רק ברכבים פרטיים. כל אדם שמגיע מהעיר – עושה הבדל עצום.
לפרטים על פרשת המרגלים:
קטע יו-טוב נהדר!! על הגיבורים שאינם מרגלים
This Saturday night 7 Jan  9 pm Russian compound Jerusalem – "Heroes not spies" vigil on behalf of Yizhar and all the settlers
Your presence would be most appreciated 
Article re the "spies", as discussed today in Israel's parliament
Great Youtube about the kind of young people who the Justice Department is arresting — and manhandling
אם אינך רואה מייל זה אנא הקלק כאן



ממשיכים את מפעל הבניין וההתיישבות בארץ ישראל!
Come rebuild – Sunday 4 PM in the Shomron
למרות נטישת מפעל ההתיישבות על ידי הממשלה והשמאל,
למרות שיש החושבים כי תם החזון- חזון ארץ ישראל,
למרות כוחות היס"מ והמג"ב המגיעים באישון לילה להחריב,
למרות המעצרים ומסע הרדיפה התקשורתי,
עם ישראל ימשיך להקים ישובים חדשים בארץ ישראל!
ביום ראשון הקרוב, 8.1 י"ג טבת, בשעה 16:00
נגיע בהמונינו לבנות מחדש את היישוב עוז ציון!
לפרטים: 052-2622116
תנועת נחלה, גרעין עוז ציון, נוער למען ארץ ישראל, נאמני ארץ ישראל

Great update about OZ TZIYON from  Michael Gottlieb (formerly Matteh Raanana 
It should be painfully clear to us all that today we Israelis are living through "interesting" times. The decades-old battle between the Israeli Establishment, which favors dividing our land (to arrive at a "Two State Solution") and those Land of Israel faithful who struggle to defend the eternal Jewish right to settle anywhere in the land, including Judea and Samaria, is reaching fever pitch, with alarming and ominous implications.
Nowhere is this struggle more keenly felt than amongst those who give their entire being to preserve our sacred homeland for the sake of future generations, no matter what the cost – those so-called "hilltop youth". They are the indisputable vanguard of the Greater Land of Israel movement, and as such, have earned themselves the unrestrained contempt and vilification of the Israeli media, intelligentsia and government. They are arguably the most feared and maligned sub-sector of Israeli society, which goes to prove that they are also the most determined and effective in advancing their cause.
The hilltop youth face the challenges of gaining a toehold on the land on a daily basis. The "illegal" outposts, nascent Jewish communities that they single-handedly erect, seemingly out of thin air, have been wrecked and re-wrecked countless times by the Israeli police and the IDF. One such outpost, Oz Tziyon ("The Strength of Zion"), was established near the Beit El settlement several months ago.  As is typical of such outposts, it was comprised of several simple wooden OSB structures with corrugated tin roofs and housed two young families and several singles. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the misguided Israeli "security" forces ripped through Oz Tziyon this past Monday in a pre-dawn raid that leveled four of her five structures and left several homeless. The following night, they returned again to chase away those few girls who still dared to remain. Yet, far from becoming depressed and demoralized, as most of us might be under such circumstances, these irrepressible hilltop youth are already building up again, proudly and defiantly.
May we merit to witness the complete resettlement of our beloved homeland, speedily and in our time. Sincerely, Michael Gottlieb  (054) 765 5278
P.S. View this inspiring Youtube video about a previous raid and rebuilding of Oz Tziyon here:  



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